Your oral health is extremely important to us.



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 Monday to Thursday:

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Friday to Sunday:




We are a modern dental clinic, specialized in advanced diagnosis and treatment of dental and oral disorders. We offer comprehensive services in all fields of dentistry. In addition to dental equipment with the latest technology, all this a comfortable and pleasant environment.

Your oral health is extremely important to us. Family Dental Care is dedicated to meeting the needs of you and your family.


Dental crowns, also known as “caps,” preserve the functionality of damaged teeth. A dental crown may be used to protect a cracked tooth, teeth which have large fillings rendering the teeth strength of an egg shell it is a matter of time for that those teeth to crack of fracture sometimes the only treatment would be to do a root canal and then do the crown hence precaution should be taken if a crown/cap is recommended by our team to pursue it before any further damage is done to the those teeth and associated areas/structure, a crown also restores functionality of a tooth with excessive decay or replace a pre-existing crown. The purpose of a dental crown is to encase a needy tooth with a custom-designed material. Your Family Dental Care dentists have a variety of conservative treatment options through which to restore teeth.

One or more missing teeth can adversely affect the appearance and functionality of your smile. Missing teeth can cause a change in occlusion (bite), shifting of the teeth, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), speech impediments, an increased risk for periodontal disease and a greater chance of tooth decay. Dental bridges, like implants and partial dentures, are used to replace missing teeth. There are several types of fixed dental bridges (cannot be removed which are fixed to existing teeth), talk to your Family Dental Care dentist to understand your best options.

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We put your needs first to achieve efficient and comprehensive treatment. Our staff is trained and skilled and strive to provide energetic and fun-loving service to each patient. 


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Monday  to Thursday

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Friday to Sunday:
